My Beliefs

      "Tell me and I forget.

                       Teach me and I remember.

                             Involve me and I learn."

                                                                                                                 Benjamin Franklin. 

"There is a growing body of evidence to indicate that teachers are highly influenced by their beliefs, which in turn are closely linked to values, to their views of the world and to their conceptions of thier place within it. " 
"Beliefs were also found to be more influential than knowledge in determining how individuals organise and define tasks and problems." 
" Teachers´beliefs about what learning is will affect everything they do in the classroom. "

The quotations above were taken from: Phychology for language teachers. A social contructivist approach. Marion Williams and Robert Burden. Cambridge Language Teaching Library. (Pages 56-57)

             -I strongly believe that education is the key to change our world-

Consequently, as an educator, I think I must provide learner with powerful strategies and resources which contribute to help  them improve their knowledge, and hence use it to become critical citizens. 
For this reason,  I reckon that it is crucial to be well prepared in order make the magic happens inside and outside the classroom. 
Actually, I strongly believe that we should constantly continue searching for inspiring ways to teach our students in order to keep them motivated in their learning process. 
One of the things I like the most about teaching is to see how well students respond to their learning process when the educators are able to create a safe and warm atmosphere for learning to take place since students feel relaxed and enjoy their learning proccess.
In addition, I believe that it is crucial to consider that every individual learns things in a different way (Gardner´s Multiple Intelligence Theory). Accordingly, it´s the educator´s duty to offer learners a variety of  engaging activities in order to help them enhance their learning. 
Finally, I think that teaching becomes a memorable experience when educators are able to touch students´ hearts. That´s why I consider that teaching is a labor of love.

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